Health Coaching

Health Coaching

NutriFit Health Coach in Pattaya, Thailand can help you lose weight, increase energy, or develop better nutrition. Health Coach will take the time to listen to your concerns, helps you discover where and why you are struggling, and supports you as you navigate the world of contradictory nutritional advice to figure out exactly what works for YOUR body.

Health Coach helps educate and motivate people to adopt healthy, long-term, sustainable behaviors to improve their health.

So whether you want to start exercising more, eat more nutritious meals, or just have more energy, a health coach can help! Health coaches want to help you feel better and live a longer life with more vitality. We focus on positive changes that add value to your life.

A health coach works to facilitate holistic healthy lifestyle changes through three areas: physical activity, nutrition education, and behavior change. Working with a health coach begins with a holistic assessment of your lifestyle. We’ll discuss your goals and co-create a Health Plan based on your specific needs, intentions and lifestyle. We all have different bodies, metabolisms, possible underlying medical issues, and our own health goals we want to achieve. We also have different schedules, limitations, needs, and lifestyles and have had our own experiences regarding our health journey. Together, we’ll review your history, consider what’s worked for you in the past, as well as what hasn’t.

What you get with NutriFit Health Coach

  • Health & Nutrition Assessment
  • Private Mentorship and focused 1-on-1 Coaching
  • A health plan designed specifically for you
  • Positive Mindset Training
  • Healthy Habit Creation and implementation
  • Goal-Setting
  • Accountability Support if desired
  • Food Education
  • Meal Planning and Healthy Recipe Options

To decide if Health Coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a FREE ASSESSMENT CHAT with me. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals.